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About Esselon Sumatra Coffee

  • Country: Sumatra
  • Region: Aceh
  • Varietals: Catimor and S-795
  • Altitude: 3,900 – 5200 ft.
  • Process: Wet hulled
  • Drying: Sundried on patio
  • Harvest: September – January

Certification: Fair Trade, Organic
Roast Level:
Tasting Notes: Cacao, nutmeg, low acid
Suggested Brew Method: Drip, French Press, Aeropress, Espresso, Pour-Over

Varietal Notes: S-795 is a hybrid noted for its resistance to leaf rust disease. It is a high-yielding Arabica with a rich cup profile. Catimor, developed from a cross between Hibrido de Timors and Caturra, is highly productive and like the S-795 is resistant to leaf rust and coffee berry disease, a boon to small farmers throughout Indonesia.

Origin: Sumatra FTO Takengon KKGO coffee is produced on family-owned farms organized around the Koperasi Kopi Gayo Organic cooperative (KKGO). The collective is located in the Takengon highlands of the Aceh province on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

A high percentage of farmers, typically from the most remote villages of the Takengon highlands, are widows who lost their husbands during the Free Aceh Movement that was active until as recently as 2005. These families are also in the process of rebuilding after a devastating earthquake in 2013.

More about coffee history in Sumatra →